One of the beautiful things about modern technology is the ability to share good ideas with others in your profession. This weekend I received a tweet from Lisa Murphy (@OoeyGooeyLady) that directed me to a preschool blog detailing this activity. I was so excited to share this idea with my own class I could barely sleep last night.
Using the book I Ain't Gonna Paint No More! by Karen Beaumont and David Catrow as a launching point, I organized the above supplies and covered two walls with our canvass. Upon arrival the children gathered around to hear the story. We discussed the importance of keeping the paint on the canvass, waiting patiently for our turn and using our imaginations.
Then we added talented artists like this. |
And these sweeties. |
Even the teachers contributed. |
This guy worked up a sweat!
Adding finishing touches. |
When our painting was dry each artist signed the work. It will be on exhibit for the next several weeks in Room 202. Stop by and view it for yourself!
Northampton Christian Preschool has been inspiring artists like these since 1995.
Látogass el oldalunkra és olyan extrákat mutatunk, amivel igazán különlegessé teheted az ajándékozást! Élőszereplős ajándékozás, kirobbanó doboz és a többi