Since all of northeast Ohio is snowed in for the next two days I thought we could share ideas on how to entertain little ones. Below are some ideas to keep your kids (and you) from going batty. Please post your suggestions in the comments!
- Make a fresh batch of the best toy ever--play dough. We use play dough nearly every day at school. It strengthens finger muscles important for writing and promotes social interaction with peers. And as any bread maker will tell you kneading is fun! You probably have all the ingredients in your pantry.Try this recipe:
- Start a lego village - My friend's son was a serious lego-maniac. One day he began building a village. Not wanting to destroy his good work mom placed a small table in his room to contain the project. He continued to work on it and mom patiently dusted around it. The project was dis-mantled last year-- the week before this boy's wedding. Not surprisingly he has a degree in mechanical engineering from OSU. No word on whether or not the legos have found a new home in the newlyweds' apartment.
- Stone soup, anyone? Put those kids to work for an enrichment activity that promotes literacy and healthy eating. Have your child view this video then clean out your refrigerator and use up all those about-to-go-bad veggies. Your child can use a butter knife with adult supervision to assist in the chopping.
- Indoor tent - If you have the patience ( I was lacking in this as a mother) move the furniture, bring out some old blankets and let them have at it. Add a flashlight and some good books and enjoy a cozy afternoon.
- Borrow some of dad's shaving cream - Another all time favorite preschool activity is finger painting with shaving cream. This is also a great way to have your child practice writing their name. Placing a squirt of shaving cream on a cookie sheet will help contain the mess.
- Is it too early for a count-down to spring? Scrap paper, tape and glue sticks can entertain children for hours. Show your child how to make a simple paper chain and make one link for every day between now and spring. Each night before bed you can tear off one link. Let's see . . . there are only . . . 74 more days until spring. It will be here before we know it!
Please share your ideas too. We're all in this together!
Those are great ideas!
ReplyDeleteLátogass el oldalunkra és olyan extrákat mutatunk, amivel igazán különlegessé teheted az ajándékozást! Élőszereplős ajándékozás, kirobbanó doboz és a többi
ReplyDeleteInteresting stuff to read. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteWe subscribe to the idea that play is learning for the 2 to 5 year old and that play is truly the "work" of the young child
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