Monday, July 8, 2013

Does your preschooler have a smoking problem?

A wise facebook friend recently posted a link to this article about research at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. In the article Dr. Anup Kanodia says "sitting is the new smoking."  Simply put, this generation will cause as much physical damage to their bodies by sitting as the last generation did by smoking. Alarming? Absolutely. But the good news is that our addiction to sitting may be easier to kick than a two-pack-a-day smoking habit.

As summer continues to stretch before us it's a wonderful time to make healthy lifestyle changes. Here are a few suggestions to help your children (and you!) get off the sofa and move.

  • You've heard of meatless Mondays? How about electronic-free Tuesday? Turn off  any household item that causes you to sit and do nothing and replace it with anything outdoors. Even playing in the driveway with sidewalk chalk requires more movement that sitting motionless in front of a box. 
  • Really need to check your email or send photos to the grandparents? Prop your laptop on the kitchen counter and stand while you work. 
  • Have a child who hates sports? Become bicycling buddies. I know a father/daughter team who are enjoying trips of up to 40 miles together. Not only are they getting great exercise and enjoying the summer beauty of Ohio bike paths, but they are having wonderful conversations along the way. Here's a link to the group they cycle with:
  • Take advantage of the Metro park hiking spree. We have an abundance of beautiful trails at varying levels of difficulty. And it doesn't cost a dime! Check out a new trail at:
  • Go outside and play! Teach your children how to play kick-the-can or hide-and-go-seek in the dark. Do you remember flashlight tag? Have your children ever played? Start a new trend in your neighborhood by enjoying a nightly game. 
  • Tired of being stuck indoors due to rain? Grab your umbrellas and stomp through the puddles in the neighborhood. While you're at it have your children count (or collect) the worms they see. 
  • Park at the back of the parking lot. Try to add more steps throughout your daily activities by parking farther away from the door or using stairwells in buildings. 

By making a conscience effort to increase your steps to 20,000 per day you and your children can improve your health, prolong your life and deepen your personal relationship.

Now if you'll excuse me . . . I need to get off my own tush and walk the dog! 

1 comment:

  1. Látogass el oldalunkra és olyan extrákat mutatunk, amivel igazán különlegessé teheted az ajándékozást! Élőszereplős ajándékozás, kirobbanó doboz és a többi
